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Four Things Your Tongue May Be Trying To Tell You

Writer's picture: JoyceJoyce

The human tongue is a strange muscle that doesn't get nearly enough credit for all the work it does. If you don't believe me, just pay attention to your tongue during one meal and realize how many times you don't bite it, despite the number of times it flirts with danger!

The vast majority of people start out with a beautiful, pink tongue - like the tongue a baby has - but as they age and as they make poor health decisions, their tongue can change in color and texture to something entirely different.

A brief look at your tongue can tell you when things are not working right in your body. Take a minute and look in the mirror at your tongue. Here are a few of the things that your tongue might be trying to tell you:

1. If you have random cracks (aka: fissures) on the surface of your tongue, it's very likely that you have a vitamin B deficiency and the deeper the cracks, the more deficient your body is. Sometimes you can't see these cracks until you look in the mirror, put the tip of your tongue against the inside of your bottom teeth, and push the middle of the tongue forward.

Vitamin B is most richly found in the brains, hearts, and livers of animals, but many cultures no longer consume these parts of an animal. That means that vitamin B deficiencies are becoming more and more prevalent and people are becoming more and more dependent on B-12 shots. Shots circumvent the body's normal defense mechanisms, so there are inherent risks every time you get a shot.

Vitamin B is very important. I call it the "happy" vitamin because Vitamin B (or the lack thereof) can affect our overall sense of well-being. People with a Vitamin B deficiency are often tired, sluggish, weak, and sometimes even depressed.

The good news is that with the right supplements, a vitamin B deficiency is almost always reversible and no shots are required! Just keep in mind that most "drugstore" B-vitamins are synthetic and are likely a complete waste of money.

One natural vitamin B source I recommend is Young Living's "Super B" supplement. It has both Vitamin B6 and B12 as well as other nutrients that will increase its absorption and bio-availability.

2. If you have a deep crack down the center of your tongue, it's very likely that you are having problems with your heart. The deeper and more pronounced the crack, the higher your risk of heart health issues. If my tongue had that type of crack, I'd schedule an appointment with a cardiologist - LIKE IMMEDIATELY. STAT. That crack didn't form overnight and neither did your heart health issues.

For overall heart health - whether or not you have this type of tongue crack - I'd recommend Young Living's NingXia Red. Just one sachet or 1/3 cup per day offers great supports all nine processes in the body - including the heart!

3. If your tongue is slick and shiny (which usually starts around the edges of the tongue), your body is not absorbing the nutrients you are consuming. Nutrient absorption is critical for your overall health. If your body can't absorb the nutrients you're trying to consume, it's not getting the fuel it needs to thrive. That means your likelihood of getting some kind of illness (minor or major) is elevated.

Your tongue is a reflection of your digestive tract. On your tongue, you should have tiny protrusions called "papillae" which are basically taste buds. These protrusions give your tongue a slightly abrasive texture when you rub your finger on it.

Similarly, you have "villi" which are finger-like protrusions that line the intestinal wall. On each villus, there are also "microvilli" as well. The main purpose of these villi and microvilli is to increase the surface area of the intestines - an increase of up to 10 times the surface area you would normally have - which consequently increases the body's ability to absorb nutrients from the food we eat before it turns into waste and is excreted.

If your tongue shows a lack of taste buds, your body is telling you that your intestines are lacking in villi. Both are struggling and it's usually from consuming too much junk food and too many synthetic vitamins and not enough real food and plant-based vitamins.

Dr. Dan Purser analyzed the test results of 1,000 of his patients to determine which vitamins and nutrients were deficient in their bodies. He sent these to a lab who analyzed them and looked across the spectrum of what would meet the majority of the needs of those people and Master Formula was created as a way to meet those needs.

Master Formula is a combination of the mid-range needs of these random 1,000 people. It basically contains three different supplements for daily support: 1) a liquid vitamin capsule containing fat-soluble vitamins A, E, K, and a vegan vitamin D3 along with essential oils to increase absorption, 2) a phyto-caplet which contains a trace mineral complex, gut flora-supporting prebiotics and a powerful fruit, vegetable, and herb extracted blend to help scavenge free radicals in the body, and 3) two micronized nutrient capsules containing a blend of B vitamins along with about a dozen chelated minerals.

4. If your tongue is white or yellow, it's a sign that you have a candida overgrowth in your gut. (Translation: the bad bacteria in your gut is out of control.) The more yellow the color, the more serious the overgrowth is. This type of overgrowth doesn't go away on its own.

One great starting point is getting a great probiotic. Most probiotics on the market are not very effective because contain either one probiotic strain or they contain strains all from the same family of probiotics.

Refrigerated probiotics are completely illogical to me. If a probiotic can't even handle normal room temperatures, what will happen when you swallow it - thus putting it into a 98.6 degree environment? Typically refrigerated probiotics have billions upon billions of healthy bacteria - likely with the hope that at least some of the probiotics will survive long enough to reach your gut.

Acidophilus is designed to consume milk sugars. If you're not consuming milk, don't take a lot of this strain because it will actually end up feeding the bad bacteria in your gut since it's not getting used.

The Bifido-family of strains (listed below) are the absolute best probiotics.

If you've ever consumed antibiotics in your life or if you've ever consumed any type of meat or animal-product that has been treated with antibiotics, you need a daily probiotic.

Life 9 is a great starting point! This probiotic has a great broad-spectrum blend of different probiotic strains that will help your gut to be happy and healthy.

If you need help beyond what I've explained here, let me know! This information is an excellent starting point, but there are other products that can help with more rare or very specific needs.

It's time to get your body healthy again! A truly healthy body has a truly healthy tongue. Your tongue reflects the insides of your body and when your body is happy and healthy, your tongue will look happy and healthy as well!

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